Highly qualified labor force
Honduras is a privileged country to have within its workforce with highly qualified personnel in diverse areas. In both areas of textile and harness manufacturing there is an ample pool of bilingual and non-bilingual professionals in technical and administrative fields; As well as, human talent with ample experience in the industry, willing to become active labor part within the companies.
- Young population represents 40% of the economically active population (18-29 years old).
- High percentage of young bilingual population.
- The training of the Honduran workforce has taken the country to occupy the 4th place as a worldwide exporter of apparel to the U.S. market and the 4th place as an exporter of electric harnesses, which shows that the Honduran workers are easily trainable and productive.
- For mid-level management, there is a large availlability of highly educated professionals with experience in production, marketing, administration and logistics.
- Public and private job data bases to help facilitate recruitment processes.

The Honduran Manufacturers Association (AHM) through its Recruitment office (Bolsa de Empleo), facilitates the recruitment work for its affiliated companies increasing the opportunities of insertion of unemployed and underemployed people.
The production efficiency of the Honduran worker is admired and respected by the transnational corporations operating in Honduras, which when compared with other countries, Honduran labor exceeds them in productivity from 100 to 120 percent in this industry.
This success is due to the fact that the worker of the manufacturing industry in Honduras has been receiving constant training in various areas for 10 years through the Integral Training Program for the Competitiveness of the Garment and Textile Industry, PROCINCO. This program was designed to meet the training and advisory needs of the plants through courses, seminars and project development in the Productive, Administrative, Humanistic and Occupational Health and Safety areas of the companies affiliated with the AHM and which are implemented Since 2001 with the support of the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFOP) and the Inter-American Development Bank.
Currently in Honduras there are personnel available from the operational, administrative, technical, and other areas that are ready to begin work.
Administrative and Financial Area:
Humanistic Area:
Distribution of population in 2015 and 2040 by age classes for the 3 biggest textile exporters
(Bangladesh, China, and Vietnam)
For comparison 63% of Honduras population is under age 29