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Author: Mercadeo

Gobierno dialoga con actores de vivienda en la zona norte para generar miles de empleos en los hondureños

En el marco del programa Fuerza de Empleo y Oportunidades que impulsa el Presidente de la República Juan Orlando Hernández, autoridades de la Comisión Nacional de Viviendas y Asentamientos Humanos (CONVIVIENDA), dialogan este día con los actores del sector vivienda social en la zona norte del país. En el conversatorio se socializará el tema de… READ MORE

The Honduras 2020 Program presents the latest trends in the retail market and branded wholesale in the U.S. that the texile and apparel sector in Honduras could explore to its advantage.

The Honduras 2020 Program presents the latest trends in the retail market and branded wholesale in the U.S. that the texile and apparel sector in Honduras could explore to its advantage.

Co-Creation adds value to your organization and elevates the relevance of your company in the retailers’ or brands’ matrix of A, B, and C suppliers. Retailers and brands are pivoting to outsource to their A suppliers design, trend development in finished garments. Instead of wholly relying on internal design teams to drive seasonal product development,… READ MORE

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